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Trump National Doral (Golden Palm)


It's quick to be lulled into a false sense of confidence when approaching the golden palm course at the trump national doral golf club, which has two other courses called "blue monster" and "red tiger." Despite its botanical name, this 18 may be a venus flytrap (particularly its bunkers).

Gil hanse was interested in the thorough renovation of all of doral's courses, as well as the recontouring of the greens at golden palm. Palm trees conjure up images of tropical beaches, and golden palm players must be careful of the âĢľbeachfront propertyâĢĿ in doral.

while golden palm is less long than those two and most would think it a touch tamer, many would contend that it has the hardest finishing hole of the three. dick wilson was the famously difficult architect behind "blue monster," and robert von hagge and bruce devlin had their chance to fight wilson's beast when they built "red tiger." It's a par four that plays 470 yards from the back tees, but many players will only think for the last 40 yards. Though blue monster's cape-style closer is imposing, golden palmer necessitates a complete approach to an island green.

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